Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Father's Day

This post is very late but I wanted to post about Michael's first Father's Day on June 18th. We woke up and gave him his gifts. He got a John Deere hat that he had been wanting that has a completely mesh top and back for mowing. Jonah got his first authentic John Deere hat as well! So now they match! He also got the new Brad Paisley CD. We always buy Brad's CDs because we both enjoy his music and we've actually seen him in concert twice together.

We went to Church that morning and then over to Nana and Papaw's house for lunch. We are doing Mother's Day and Father's Day with them this year and next year we will go to Bill and Dee's house, or Grandma and Poppa's house and switch up each year to keep it fair. We spent the rest of the day relaxing at the house!

Pic is fuzzy because the lens gotted fogged up when we went outside

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