Why yes! Yes you do! I am finally getting around to doing a recap of a weekend. This one was pretty fun but nothing major happening.
The first big thing is Jonah decided to cooperate with taking pictures with his little sister. I got a couple of good ones but love them all. Haley thinks her big brother hung the moon!
Also we've been enjoying the pool and especially now that the temps are finally warm enough to just jump right in. My white balance was way off on these pics but they are good nonetheless. Jonah has really taken to the pool this year...finally!
Our VBS started Sunday and the theme is The Race Is On! The kids played several relay games before the evening session yesterday and had a blast. It was really the first time Jonah had ever done games like that he really had a big time and I was surprised that he caught on to the instructions and knew what to do. He is really loving VBS and his classes.
Pass the spaghetti game!
Hope you had a good weekend too!
Looks like a fun weekend! I love Jonah's big boy haircut! :) He looks so grown up! And that first pic is so sweet!!!