Michael and I celebrated Valentines Day with a dinner and Wal-Mart date at the Olive Pit in Paris, TN. It is a short drive to some of the best and most authentic Italian food you can find around these parts. Jonah spent some extra time and Nana and Papaw's house and took a nap while we snuck off to get groceries and then eat. We both had the special of a cheese-stuffed tortellini with chicken and bacon in a bed of olive oil. It was divine!! Then we topped it off with a chocolate spoon-cake that we shared. It was like a chocolate THICK cheese cake with more of chocolate taste than cheese. We got back in time to get Jonah home and tucked in bed.
We gave Jonah his little Valentine gifts on Sunday after Church. He loved the balloon the best of course!
Monday we took Jonah for his 18 month well-check and he was healthy as a horse!! Here are his stats.
Weight: 24 lbs even (21st percentile)
Height: 31 1/2 inches (20th percentile)
Head Circ: 48 cm (52nd percentile)
Dr. Roads said he is still petite but in proportion so that is all that matters. He told us some things to expect over the next few months. I can't believe we don't go back until his 2 year appt.!!! Does not seem possible that my baby will be 2 years old in less than 6 months!
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3 days ago
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