I just have to share this funny little story from about a week ago. I had decided to embark on my first bread-baking adventure after supper one night. I found THIS recipe for making 30-minute rolls. So I thought I could handle 30 minutes of break-making. LOL!
A couple of days earlier Jonah had went to story time at the library with my Mom. They always do a craft and they all got little aprons and painted them....well Mom painted most of Jonah's. LOL. So anyways we had a tiny little apron laying around in the house somewhere. I really didn't think he would ever use it much.
Well back to the night I was baking bread.....I started putting on my apron to keep myself from getting covered in flour. As soon as Jonah saw my red apron he started looking for his. We soon found it and he just HAD to have his little apron on like Mommy!! I thought it was too cute.....not sure how Daddy felt about his little man in an apron....but guys can cook too!!
Please excuse my hair and no makeup but I had been home all day and was not planning on having my picture taken. Oh and the messy kitchen!
The rolls turned out edible but not like they should have been. I will try them again soon though! I enjoyed the process of making them!
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3 days ago
Too cute! I always forget to wear an apron.