Here is our sweet little sugar dumpling on her month-day.
She went for her well-checkup yesterday and she weighted 10 lbs. 9 oz. and was 22 inches long. That puts her in the 26th percentile for weight and 23rd percentile for height. Dr. said she is proportionate so that is good. Her head circumference was in the 72nd percentile though! She is going to have a big ole noggin like her brother. :)
Here is what Miss Priss has been up to this past month....which is not a lot more than last month. LOL
She is getting there! We had a couple of rough weeks just in that she would not sleep a stretch much longer than 2-2 1/2 hours. This was mainly because she would not drink enough milk before bed and then would not drink much during the night. She also was doing funny with eating during the day too. She got to where she would just take about 2 ounces and then we could hardly get her to take the rest. But since moving up in nipple size and letting her go 4 hours between feedings she has been doing much better. Last night she slept from 7:20 to 12:30 and then from around 1:20 to 5:20. So that is a much longer stretch. The Dr. seemed to think that every 4 hours would be a better schedule for her too. This has improved her ability to also nap for longer times during the day because she is fuller, where she had been waking up completely in the middle of her nap times but before the next bottle was due.
Well I touched on most of that above but she is up to 4 ounces every 4 hours and we increased her to a level 2 size nipple which has helped so much. My gut told me last week that something was not right because she would just take a couple of ounces and then want some more a couple of hours later but then wouldn't really eat like she was super hungry. Turns out she has been trying to schedule herself and needed our help. I think that coupled with the fact that she was growth spurting and needing more fluid per feeding. I think we are at a good place now and I imagine she will be up to 5 ounces before this next month is over.
It's still tricky to keep her awake for much more than an hour after feeding but she is a happy and smiley baby and loves to hear us talk to her. She loves watching the fan and she will stare up at our family pictures on the wall like she is studying them. I think she is just seeing all the colors in them. She definitely knows our voices and reacts to them. She loves to lay on her back and just move her arms and legs all around. We have to swaddle her for naps and night time or those arms will just keep her awake. She is so strong too and will hold that little head up anytime we put her on our shoulders. She does not lay her head down at all.
Haley is really a very content baby and does not need or really even like to be held much unless it's eating time. She loves to lay down and kick and when she's tired she likes to be put in her bouncy seat or the swing and goes off to sleep on her own. We used to have to rock and sway Jonah to sleep and then try to lay him down and then many time he would wake back up. I am thankful that Haley seems content to put herself to sleep because it has helped a lot with Jonah being so active. She also is content to just sit in her bouncy seat and hang out while I do things around the house. As long as she can hear or see me she is usually fine. Also, Haley absolutely loves white noise. When she is getting tired and a little fussy I just turn on my white noise app on the phone and usually she is out within minutes. That little discovery has been a life-saver!
We are just so overjoyed with our sweet Haley bug and can't wait to see her change and develop over the next few months. I am just soaking up every bit of these first stages of her being a baby because now I know how fast it goes by.

Oh my goodness! She is beautiful!!