This is my first time to link up with Darci up but I enjoy reading other bloggers that link to this so I'm giving it a try.
1. Haley will be 8 weeks old on Monday! I can't believe she is already 2 months old! Update to come soon on all that she has been doing...which is still mostly eating, sleeping and pooping. LOL
2. I am back to work full-time as of this past week and survived the first week!! This is also our busiest time of the year at fun times..NOT! I am really missing my babies each day but at least if I can't enjoy them, my Mom gets to, since she watches them for me. Such a blessing and they aren't too awfully spoiled. :)
3. I am ready to decorate for Halloween this weekend!! I've had my Fall decor out for most of this past month (click here to see the post about that) but now I'm ready to transition it over to Halloween! I will do a post of how that all turns out. I already have Haley's costume and know what Jonah wants to be. Jonah wants to be a fire fighter and so I'm trying to figure out how to DIY most of his costume because the ones I've found online are WAY too expensive for a kid costume!!
4. I am trying to get back into an exercise routine now that I'm back to work. The hubby really wants for both of us do a local charity 5K in November and I am no where near ready. Right now it takes me 20 minutes to walk a mile. I am really out of shape after having Haley even though I actually weigh a pound or two less than I did when I first found out I was pregnant with her. My body is just different (as is to be expected) and there is so much more that I just want to get toned back up. The hubby has been so supportive of helping with the kids in the evenings a couple times this week so I could get some walking in. Any tips on the best way to train for a 5K? Any good song ideas for walking to? I am all ears!
5. Just for fun here is clip of a comedian that another blog I follow posted. I love the part around the 2:30 mark about glitter. So true!! LOL!
Have a great weekend!!

I am back to my weight but so flubby still too, this week is my week to start trying for real! I can't believe you went back to work already!
ReplyDeleteCouch to 5K on was what worked the best for me when I was starting out running...I actually started back that way again...trying to get off marriage/honeymoon weight! ;)