It is so hard to believe that Christmas has come and gone already! It really did fly by this year for some reason. We had a wonderful holiday and our celebrations stretched over the whole week of Christmas. We had Christmas with Michael's side the Saturday before and Christmas with my side just yesterday. This worked out well for Jonah because he got to open gifts a bunch of different times. He really enjoyed the presents part of Christmas this year and man did he rack up. We are good on toys for a while. I had gotten rid of several toys he never plays with before Christmas but now I think we will have to get rid of even more!
We are truly blessed here in our earthly life!
These two pictures of Haley weren't from Christmas morning but I just had to get them on the blog. We had a little photo shoot one morning and I got some cute ones of her. Baby's 1st Christmas!!
Here's what Santa Claus left for Jonah. He got a Plasma Car, soccer ball, Mickey house shoes, vehicles for his train table, two big puzzles, Melissa & Doug magnetic Joey, Mighty Machines videos, MMCH DVD and the Planes movie! From us he got some clothes and a LeapFrog Reader with some books to go with it.
Santa didn't forget Haley either. She got some baby toys and some play clothes in 6 month size. We also got her more clothes, shoes and socks for the coming months.
Haley just hung out and watched all the unwrapping. :)
Jonah checking out his goods.
Santa also brought our whole family the Hungry Hippos game. It was a hit!
Santa didn't forget Mommy this year either! I got my 10 year old dream and got my first American Girl doll (Kit). I read all the AG books growing up (there were only 4 of them at the time) and always wanted an AG doll. It was on my Christmas list for a couple of years. I never got one but now I have one!! It was a total surprise. Santa (cough, cough...Michael) did very good!
My brother and his wife stopped by Christmas Day and gave the kids their gifts since they wouldn't be able to be at our family gathering later in the week. Jonah got a pop up blind and shot-gun (not real, of course but makes the real sounding noise of one). He loved those!
I hope all your Christmas dreams came true too! I will share more from our family gatherings later.

We got the boys Planes too. It was so cute! I love that you got an American Girl, how sweet!