If only....
toys picked themselves up off the floor
people were more respectful with their words
the temps would stay just like this forever
little boys would continue to love carrying their little blue Bible everywhere they go
I had my own personal photographer to capture all of life's fleeting moments
calories didn't count when you made something from scratch that was so filling and good
people respected my personal space when checking out at the grocery store
they made a pill that would prevent littles from ever getting big
friends never posted ugly content on facebook.....I guess it's called de-friending LOL
pregnancy made you feel weightless (not that I am preggo :))
Wal-Mart employees were actually availble to help you find stuff and knew where it was
toddlers were eloquent speakers and could tell you exactly what their deal is
every weekend was full of family time
all things with motors would work at the same time at our house
someone would come clean my pool and cover it for the winter.....we've had zero time to
the leaves would fall and then scatter themselves into the woods for us
I could always remember that God loves me just the way I am....He makes no conditions
I could remember that everyone with kids once had a 2 year old and they get it
I could sear the image of Jonah just as he is today into my memory forever
I cooked everything on my pinterest board and crafted everything too
I wasn't so hard on myself
I could remember every moment how blessed I am
Style Showcase 279
1 day ago
Love this!